Why refinance?

If you’re looking to save money on your loan repayments, refinancing could be the answer. By searching for a cheaper rate, you could potentially reduce your repayments and save yourself some serious cash.

Fixed vs variable rate loans can be another reason to refinance. If you’re on a variable rate and rates have increased, you may want to look into fixing your rate to protect yourself from further increases. Alternatively, if rates have decreased you may want to switch to a variable rate in order to take advantage of the lower rates.

Refinancing can also help you unlock features like offset accounts which can save you money on interest. And if you’re looking to access equity for home improvements, refinancing could be the solution.

So if you’re thinking about refinancing, there are plenty of good reasons to do so. Talk to a specialist today and see how much you could save.


Have a question? Or just wanting a chat? Call us now or send us a question via jose@jlsfinancialservices.com.au

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0431 410 686
